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The Space facts
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Gravity is not a force. It is a consequence of bending of Space-time continuum around a massive body which is why the other small bodies are pulled towards it. It is based on Einstein's General theory of Relativity.
The Spacestellar
The Spacestellar
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When there is any disturbance in Space time continuum, such as Supernova explosions or collision of black holes, Gravitational waves are formed which travels at the speed of light in all directions
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According to a physics concept, it is possible to connect two different points through a tunnel, by bending Space-time curvature. It is known as Wormholes. It is based on a special solution of the Einstein field equations.
The Spacestellar
The Spacestellar
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Craters at the Moon’s south pole may be the frostiest locale in the entire solar system. In the permanently shadowed crater floors, “daytime” temperatures may never rise above minus 238 degrees Celsius (minus 397 degrees Fahrenheit).
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The radio signal that a spacecraft uses to contact Earth has no more power than a refrigerator light bulb. And by the time the signal has traveled across space, the signal is only onebillionth of one-billionth of one watt!
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String theory states that everything in the Universe is made up of tiny vibrating identical strings. The reason why quark appear different than electron is because both vibrate at different frequencies.
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Quark Matter is extremely dense phase of matter made up of subatomic particles called quarks. This theoretical phase would occur at extremely high temperature and densities. It may exist at the heart of neutron stars.
The Spacestellar
The Spacestellar
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Like Black hole, White hole is a prediction of Einstein's theory of General Relativity. It is essentially Black hole in reverse. If nothing can escape from Black hole's event horizon then nothing can enter White hole's event horizon.
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According to Quantum Mechanics, everytime you get confuse with two things and decide to choose to go with one of them, the universe splits into two parts, where you choose the other option in another universe.
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When an object travels at a very high velocity (comparable to Velocity of light 'c' ), it contracts along the direction in which the object moves. This is known as as Length Contraction. It is a consequence of Einstein's Special theory of Relativity.
The Spacestellar
The Spacestellar
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The Sun has a radius of 696.340 km / 432.685 mi. Earth, for comparison, has a radius of only 2.439 km / 1.516 mi. According to this, the Sun's volume would need 1.3 million Earths to fill it completely.
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It is a hypothetical superstructure built near or around the Sun that would be able to capture the Sun's energy and divert it back to Earth. This would harvest so much energy that human beings could manipulate and control all the natural forces. (Type 1 civilization).
The Spacestellar Creations
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